Dorney Domination

Ahh, Lola, ever the adventurous child.

Jay came up with the idea that it would be fun to go to Dorney this weekend. We decided to go last night, buying Twilight Tickets that included a meal. The price wasn't bad (all four of us got in with food for under $100), the food was ok, but the lines were INSANE. I didn't expect that on a Sunday night.

Anyway, Olivia isn't about doing anything scary but Lorynn...well, she decided that she wanted to ride the Dominator.

She's done this before (last year with Mike) but he was a huge guy and she felt safe. I'm not a midget, but I wasn't instilling the comfort. Well, we get to the line and she decides she wants to go on the green on (the one that goes DOWN) and the line is 3x the length of the red, but I agree because I am just that good of a mother.

The closer we get to the front of the line, the more she panics. I thought she was going to lose it.

Until she got into the seat. Then she held my hand and calmed down and smiled the WHOLE time. I have amazing kids, for such different reasons, but my little 8 year old is the Dorney Dominator!


wolf said...

Kudos on getting your blog going. I recently started writing again and I think the only person reading it is my wife. I just hope that if I keep writing for myself, eventually the readers will come. You have an entertaining style and a good sense of story - I wish you the best!

Ton80 said...

Do you want to go up or down?
